Giant's Causeway

Giant's Causeway

Closed right now, see opening hours

An old favourite from my childhood but one I enjoy exploring every time so visit NI with my kids. The causeway itself is free to access, although there is now a visitors centre and parking at the causeway run by the national trust (so free to members and with a charge for others). There are loads of brilliant walks at low levels and along the cliff top depending on how much exercise you want! The signs make it clear which is which and also which are buggy friendly. I’d recommend carriers for small infants. If legs are tired you can take a bus to and from the stones themselves (free for NT members £1 per adult for non). The cafe & toilets are currently only accessible for NT members but there is also a hotel there and there is talk of the local council putting in facilities accessible for all. My boys absolutely love clambering in the stones, seeing the organ formation and sitting on top of the giants boot!

Recommended by Tracy Logan with children ages 6 and and 4 - Sat Aug 18 2018

Activity Type

  • Parks, walks and outdoor fun
  • Outdoor activities


44 Causeway Road Bushmills Moyle Northern Ireland United Kingdom BT57 8SU
028 2073 1855
Adult price:
Child price:
Infant price:
Other price:


  • Good food for parents
  • Pram/Wheelchair accessible
  • Has a childrens menu
  • Baby changing available

Opening Hours

  • Monday Closed
  • Tuesday Closed
  • Wednesday Closed
  • Thursday Closed
  • Friday Closed
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed


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